Version of SQList is a minor update; you can therefore upgrade for free if you have a licensed version 8.x. To download the latest version of SQList visit the Download SQList page.
Important: Although we always strive to make upgrades as hassle-free as possible, we strongly recommend that you test this new version on a test environment to avoid any surprises. If you need a temporary SQList licence for this purpose, please request one by emailing See below a summary of the changes.
Introducted automated health checks
We’ve introduced a feature that periodically monitors system tables for common issues and attempts to automatically resolve them. Should this automatic resolution be unsuccessful, an error will be logged to notify users of required actions.
This feature is especially beneficial for extensive replications involving significant changes in SharePoint, which may encounter issues due to unstable connections with SharePoint servers or SQL databases, or when SQList is halted for an extended duration, resulting in a large backlog of changes needing processing.
Optimised processing of large amounts of changes
We have refined multiple queries to lessen the burden on the SQL Server during the replication of large data volumes.
These modifications have made the queries more efficient and reliable, preventing potential timeouts, particularly on less powerful or older versions of SQL Server.
If you have any questions about this release, please contact our Support Team at