Bring Clarity to your SharePoint with MS Clarity


There has been an exponential growth in SharePoint usage over the past few decades due to its vast set of capabilities to fulfill the most challenging business requirements especially transformation towards the modern workplace. One of the primary milestones on the road to the modern workplace is setting up an Intranet Portal which servers a one-stop-shop for information and communication and that’s where SharePoint shines the brightest. However, soon site owners realize the need for understanding how their portal sites are being used or not used and which features are the most popular among the users. One of the key ingredients of improving user experience is to gather insights on the site user behaviours. In order to facilitate this, Microsoft has released a new free-to-use tool called Clarity that comes with some innovative user analytics features to understand how site users are using the sites in real-time in order to help site managers improve their site experiences by better understanding site visitor behaviour.  In this article, we will take an in-depth look at Microsoft Clarity, what it brings to the site, and user analytics table and how it can be integrated in the SharePoint site.

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7 Reasons why SQL Server tables are a better option for reporting then SharePoint Lists

SharePoint Lists plays a pivotal role in any SharePoint development primarily because it is the preferred source of data storage in SharePoint. All the great features like security permissions trimming, views, various types of columns, data validations, and entry forms that come out of the box and can be easily configured give SharePoint Lists an edge over any other data storage options. However, there are several scenarios that make SharePoint Lists less desirable especially when it comes to reporting. Reporting becomes very critical when we store business-critical data in SharePoint since it is vital for business users to make decisions. E.g. if you are storing customer orders in SharePoint Lists then soon you will need to develop some reports to get insights on your customer buying trends.

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AxioWorks SQList New Version

New version of AxioWorks SQList released (

A new version of AxioWorks SQList is out today!

It’s been a while since we released a new version, it was back in April 2020 and a lot has happened since! (and not much of it was good…)

Anyways, here we are, version is out, let’s take a look at what comes with it.

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SharePoint lists to PowerBI

Power BI Master/Detail Report from live SharePoint data

In the real-world, reporting often includes master/detail scenario in which a master list item is selected in order to get more details about the entity. In SharePoint, master data will be stored in a list that contains a lookup column of detail list/s, and getting data from multiple lists would require multiple data sources and then modelling their relationships in Power BI. In this blog, I will show you how easy it is to achieve a master-detail scenario on live data coming from SharePoint lists using AxioWorks SQList. We will start off by looking at the lists which we are going to use in this scenario and followed by how we can use SQList to synchronise data between SharePoint Lists and SQL Server database and to finish things off, we will look at how to generate a report which shows master data in one table and details in the other based on a selection.

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Google Data Studio with SharePoint Data

Use Google Data Studio with SharePoint data

In this blog, we will go through essential steps on how to generate a report and chart in Google Data Studio using data coming from SharePoint lists. We will start off by looking at the lists which we are going to use for this demo and followed by how we can use SQList to replicate data from SharePoint Lists to SQL Server database which will later be used in Google Data Studio to generate a chart and to finish things off, we will look at how to display the report in SharePoint.

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Generate Excel Charts and Reports from live SharePoint list data

In this blog, I will show you the best way of creating a chart in Ms Excel on live data coming from SharePoint lists. We will start off by looking at the lists which we are going to use for this demo and followed by how we can use SQList to synchronize data between SharePoint Lists and SQL Server database and to finish things off, we will look at how to generate our reports and charts much faster.

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Blog: Generate SSRS chart from SharePoint lists

Generate SSRS Charts and Reports from live SharePoint list data

In this blog, I will show you the best way of creating a chart in SSRS Report Builder on live data coming from SharePoint lists. We will start off by looking at the lists which we are going to use for this demo and followed by how we can use SQList to synchronize data between SharePoint Lists and SQL Server database and to finish things off, we will look at how to generate our reports and charts much faster.

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Blog: Generate Power BI chart from SharePoint lists

Generate Power BI Charts and Reports from live SharePoint list data

In this blog, I will show you the best way of creating a Power BI chart on live data coming from SharePoint lists. We will start off by looking at the lists which we are going to use for this demo and followed by how we can use SQList to synchronize data between SharePoint Lists and SQL Server database and to finish things off, we will look at how to generate our reports and charts much faster.

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The best way to access SharePoint data from Power BI, SSRS, and other BI tools

Watch our presentation, where we are going to show you the best way to access live SharePoint data from any reporting and BI tool, like Power BI, SSRS, or Crystal Reports.

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The Rise of SharePoint as a BI tool

SharePoint started off as an enterprise content management system but over the years, it has become an integral part of business decision making in organizations. As the user-base of SharePoint grew exponentially so did the uses of it and soon SharePoint community started to realize that there is a lot more to it then content management and that’s where SharePoint started to become more of a platform for Content/Document management, team collaboration, Project Management, etc which all falls under the umbrella of what we call a modern workplace. SharePoint has become a great presentation layer and central repository for content which are integral for any business intelligence solution. As such it was natural for Microsoft to introduce a suite of BI features built within SharePoint to help business users in utilizing data efficiently to make business decisions, but the question is are they enough to consider SharePoint as a BI tool? In this article, we will start by looking at key BI capabilities every Modern workplace organization is craving for and then analyze the BI capabilities provided by SharePoint and are they enough to make SharePoint a preferred BI tool.

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