Power Pages Unleashed: Creating Dynamic Websites with Microsoft Copilot

In our latest tutorial, we delve into the capabilities of Microsoft Copilot, with a focused exploration of Power Pages. Our aim? To showcase how individuals and businesses alike can harness Copilot to create and update external facing websites with ease and efficiency.

Check out the full veideo here: https://youtu.be/i6pSFFh5350

For the uninitiated, Microsoft Copilot represents a leap in generative AI technology, designed to integrate seamlessly within the Power Platform ecosystem. This groundbreaking tool empowers both seasoned developers and newcomers alike, allowing for the construction of data-driven, external facing websites through simple natural language commands. The intuitive nature of Copilot opens up a world of digital possibilities, simplifying what was once a complex process.

Our step-by-step guide is structured to help you tap into the full potential of Copilot’s capabilities. We aim to help you create websites that not only meet your specific needs but are also designed in a user-friendly manner. The power of building a website that speaks directly to your audience, without the need for extensive coding knowledge, cannot be overstated.

As we venture through the capabilities of this cutting-edge technology, we will highlight how Copilot is transforming the way we approach designing Power Pages websites. The tutorial covers:

  • Introduction to Microsoft Copilot: Understanding the basics of Copilot within the Power Platform ecosystem.
  • Creating Your First Power Page: Guiding you through using natural language commands to establish your website’s foundation.
  • Customising Your Site: How to utilise Copilot to tailor your Power Pages site to suit your specific requirements, ensuring it resonates with your target audience.
  • Updating Your Site: Demonstrating the ease with which you can update and maintain your site through Copilot, ensuring your content remains fresh and relevant.
  • Embracing the essence of digital transformation, Copilot harnesses the power of generative AI, natural language processing, and the revolutionary approach of low code/no code. This not only accelerates the development process but also democratizes the ability to create compelling digital experiences.

The potential applications of integrating Copilot into your Power Pages development are vast. From enhancing digital platforms for better customer engagement to simplifying internal processes, the implications for digital transformation are significant. We are at a pivotal moment in technological innovation, where the barriers to developing sophisticated, data-driven websites are being dismantled.

Our tutorial is designed not just to instruct but to inspire. By showcasing the intuitive and innovative capabilities of Copilot, we aim to enlighten our audience about the transformative potential of this technology. The realm of website development is evolving, and through Power Pages and Copilot, we are equipped to lead the charge towards a more accessible, efficient, and impactful digital future.

In conclusion, Microsoft Copilot is more than just a tool; it is a catalyst for change. By breaking down the complexities of website development into manageable, natural language commands, it empowers users to bring their digital visions to life with unprecedented ease. Whether you’re a veteran in the tech industry or just starting your journey, our tutorial on Power Pages and Copilot offers a valuable resource for anyone looking to innovate within the digital space.

We invite you to join us as we explore the potential of this technology together, fostering a deeper understanding of its capabilities and the numerous possibilities it unlocks for digital transformation. Embrace the future of website development with Copilot and Power Pages, and discover how you can transform your digital presence today.

Harnessing the Power of Microsoft CoPilot in Power Automate Flows: A Comprehensive Tutorial

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and business automation, Microsoft has introduced a game-changer that is set to revolutionize how we approach data-driven applications and workflows. This transformative tool is none other than Microsoft CoPilot, a state-of-the-art generative AI designed to seamlessly integrate into the Power Platform ecosystem. Today, we delve into the capabilities of CoPilot, focusing on how it can be utilized to create and update Power Automate flows with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

Waht the full tutorial here: https://youtu.be/o-Zs-CC3M40

What is Microsoft CoPilot?

For the uninitiated, CoPilot is an innovative generative AI tool engineered to work harmoniously within the Power Platform, encompassing Power BI, Power Apps, and, importantly, Power Automate. Its primary objective is to enable users to construct and manage data-driven applications and workflows using intuitive natural language commands. This leap forward in technology signifies a shift towards more accessible, user-friendly programming, opening up a world of possibilities for both seasoned developers and novices alike.

The Significance of Power Automate

Power Automate stands out as a critical component of the Power Platform, offering users a robust framework for automating workflows and business processes across various applications and services. From simple notifications and data collection to complex business processes involving multiple steps and conditions, Power Automate simplifies the automation landscape, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Integrating CoPilot into Power Automate

The integration of CoPilot into Power Automate is a testament to Microsoft’s commitment to innovation and accessibility in technology. By leveraging CoPilot’s capabilities, users can now articulate their automation needs in natural language, from which CoPilot can generate or update flows. This integration not only enhances productivity but also democratizes access to advanced automation capabilities.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Flows with CoPilot

1. Accessing CoPilot in Power Automate:

Begin by navigating to the Power Automate platform. If you’re new to Power Automate, you’ll need to sign in with your Microsoft account. Once logged in, locate the CoPilot feature within the interface. This might require enabling specific settings or updates, depending on your current setup.

2. Defining Your Automation Needs:

The key to effectively using CoPilot lies in clearly articulating your automation requirements. This could range from simple tasks like automating email notifications based on certain triggers to more complex workflows involving multiple data sources and conditions. Take a moment to define what you need your flow to achieve.

3. Inputting Natural Language Commands:

With your automation needs in mind, turn to CoPilot and input your requirements using natural language. For example, you could say, “Create a flow that sends an email notification whenever a new entry is added to my SharePoint list.” CoPilot’s AI will interpret your command and begin the process of creating the flow.

4. Reviewing and Refining the Generated Flow:

Once CoPilot generates the initial flow, it’s crucial to review and refine it. This step ensures that the flow accurately meets your specified requirements and functions as intended. CoPilot facilitates this by allowing for easy modifications and updates through natural language commands.

5. Testing and Deploying Your Flow:

After finalizing your flow, the next step is to test it to ensure it operates correctly. Power Automate provides tools and features for testing flows in a controlled environment. Once satisfied with the performance, you can deploy your flow, automating your process as intended.

6. Updating and Managing Flows with CoPilot:

One of the advantages of using CoPilot is the ease with which you can update and manage existing flows. Should your automation needs change, simply instruct CoPilot to modify your flow accordingly, ensuring your automations remain aligned with your business processes.

The Future Is Now: Embracing AI in Automation

The integration of CoPilot into Power Automate represents a significant milestone in the journey towards more intuitive, accessible, and powerful automation solutions. By bridging the gap between complex programming requirements and user-friendly interfaces, CoPilot empowers users to harness the full potential of their data and processes.

As we continue to explore and push the boundaries of what is possible with generative AI in automation, it’s clear that tools like CoPilot will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of business process automation. Whether you’re looking to streamline simple tasks or orchestrate complex workflows, CoPilot and Power Automate offer a potent combination of tools to achieve your goals with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

In conclusion, the journey into the world of AI-driven automation with Microsoft CoPilot and Power Automate is not just about enhancing productivity; it’s about reimagining the possibilities of what we can achieve. So, take the first step today and explore how CoPilot can transform your approach to automation.

Embracing AI: Transforming Jobs and Unlocking New Opportunities (Claude 3 Opus version)

by Francesco Marcolini | AxioWorks CEO, Software Architect and Developer///

The rapid advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have sparked both excitement and fear among workers worldwide. Many people are concerned that AI will replace their jobs, leaving them unemployed and struggling to find new opportunities. However, while it is true that some jobs may become obsolete, AI is more likely to transform the way we work rather than completely replace us. By adapting to this new technology and leveraging its potential, professionals across various industries can enhance their skills, increase efficiency, and unlock new career prospects.

One prime example of how AI will change the way we work is in the field of content writing. With the rise of AI-powered writing tools, content writers may initially feel threatened by the prospect of being replaced by machines. However, by embracing AI and using it to their advantage, writers can become more competitive and produce higher-quality content in less time. By combining their experience, intuition, and creativity with AI-generated prompts and suggestions, professional writers can create more engaging and informative articles while still maintaining their unique voice and perspective. This symbiotic relationship between human expertise and AI assistance will enable content writers to be more productive and cost-effective, ultimately securing their place in the industry.

Similarly, software developers will also benefit from the integration of AI into their workflow. While AI can automate certain coding tasks and help generate code snippets quickly, the role of experienced developers in structuring software architecture and ensuring its proper functioning remains crucial. Citizen developers, who lack the in-depth knowledge and expertise of professional programmers, may struggle to create robust and scalable applications using AI alone. By leveraging AI tools to streamline repetitive tasks and focus on higher-level problem-solving, software developers can become more efficient and innovative in their work, solidifying their value in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Even in traditionally human-centric fields like law, AI is making its presence felt. Recently, I found myself in a situation where I needed to understand a complex contract. Instead of seeking the help of a lawyer, I turned to AI for assistance, and it provided me with a clear explanation of the contract’s key points. While this demonstrates the potential of AI in simplifying legal matters, it does not mean that lawyers will become obsolete. Instead, legal professionals will likely adopt AI tools to streamline their work, using their expertise to verify the accuracy and completeness of AI-generated analyses. By combining their deep understanding of the law with the efficiency of AI, lawyers can provide more comprehensive and cost-effective services to their clients.

These examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the potential impact of AI on various industries. As AI continues to advance, it will undoubtedly reshape the way we work across numerous sectors. However, rather than viewing AI as a threat to our livelihoods, we should embrace it as an opportunity to elevate our skills and expertise. By focusing on tasks that require human intuition, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, while delegating repetitive and mundane tasks to AI, we can create a more efficient and productive workforce.

Throughout history, we have witnessed similar transformative shifts brought about by groundbreaking technologies. From the steam engine and the tractor to computers, spreadsheets, and the internet, each innovation has reshaped the labor market and created new opportunities for those willing to adapt. AI is no different. By proactively learning about and integrating AI into our work, we can harness its potential to enhance our skills, increase our value, and secure our place in the workforce of the future.

In conclusion, AI will not render us useless or lead to widespread job losses, provided we are willing to embrace change and continuously update our skills. By viewing AI as a powerful tool to augment our abilities rather than a replacement for human intelligence, we can unlock new opportunities and thrive in the age of artificial intelligence. The key is to remain open-minded, adaptable, and proactive in the face of technological advancements. After all, those who sit back and watch the world change around them are more likely to be left behind, regardless of the era or the technology at hand.

The Evolution of Work in the Age of AI: A New Era of Collaboration (ChatGPT 4 version)

by Francesco Marcolini | AxioWorks CEO, Software Architect and Developer///

In the annals of human progress, pivotal inventions such as the steam engine, the tractor, and the internet have revolutionarily altered our way of living and working. Today, we stand at the brink of another such transformative era with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The widespread apprehension that AI will render human jobs obsolete is a natural reaction to change, but history suggests a different outcome: rather than eliminating jobs, technological advancements often shift the nature of work, creating new opportunities and demanding adaptation.

AI’s integration into the workforce does not spell doom; instead, it heralds an era where human intellect and experience collaborate with machine efficiency. This synergy is crucial across various professions, where AI is seen as a tool to enhance, not replace, human skills.

Content Writers: Partners in AI-Assisted Creativity

For content writers, AI is less a competitor and more a collaborator. The emergence of AI tools in writing doesn’t diminish the value of a professional writer; rather, it augments their capabilities. Writers can input their intuition, experience, and unique style into AI systems to produce content that is not only efficient and cost-effective but also maintains a human touch. This symbiosis allows writers to focus on more creative aspects, like narrative and emotional resonance, leaving the repetitive tasks to AI.

Software Developers: Architects of a New Digital World

Software development is another field undergoing a paradigm shift. AI can speed up coding processes and manage routine tasks, but the role of a developer evolves from coding to conceptualising. Experienced developers will find their expertise more crucial than ever in designing software architecture and systems. They must guide the AI, ensuring that the software developed is not only functional but also aligns with broader business goals and user needs.

Legal Professionals: Navigators of AI-Assisted Law

The legal profession offers a compelling example of AI’s role as an assistant rather than a replacement. While AI can efficiently parse through complex contracts and legal documents, the expertise of a lawyer remains indispensable. Lawyers will leverage AI to handle voluminous data, but their critical thinking and judgement will be essential in interpreting the law and providing nuanced advice. The lawyer’s role becomes more strategic, focusing on oversight and the application of their hard-earned wisdom.

A Broader Perspective: AI as a Catalyst for New Specialisations

As AI takes over manual, repetitive, or tedious tasks, it compels professionals to step up their game, focusing on aspects of work that require human intuition, creativity, and emotional intelligence. This shift will likely lead to the emergence of new job roles and specialisations that blend AI capabilities with human skills. We will see roles centred around AI management, ethical application, and integration into various business processes.

Historical Parallels: Learning from the Past

Historically, major technological breakthroughs have always been met with trepidation, only to lead to more advanced and varied job markets. The introduction of the steam engine, for example, led to a drastic change in transportation and industry, creating numerous new professions. Similarly, the advent of the computer and the internet transformed workplaces, demanding new skill sets and creating roles that were previously inconceivable.

In each of these instances, humanity didn’t become redundant; instead, we adapted, learning to work with these new tools and even depending on them to expand our capabilities. The rise of AI is no different. It’s not about machines taking over but about humans working in tandem with machines to achieve greater efficiency and innovation.

Conclusion: Embracing Change and Opportunity

As we move forward into the AI era, it is crucial to approach this transition with a mindset of adaptation and lifelong learning. Those who view AI as a partner rather than a threat will find themselves in a world brimming with new opportunities. The key to thriving in this new age lies in leveraging AI to enhance our unique human capabilities, staying ahead through continuous learning and adaptation.

Therefore, rather than despair at the rise of AI, we should view it as an impetus to upskill and innovate. The future belongs to those who can merge their human ingenuity with the computational power of AI, creating a symbiotic workforce that is more capable than ever. In this future, AI doesn’t make us redundant; it propels us to new heights of creativity and efficiency.

AxioWorks Newsletter

AxioWorks Newsletter February 2024: Partnerships, Upcoming SQList Update, and Summit Invitation

Hello Reader,

This February has been pivotal for AxioWorks as we’ve focused on laying strong foundations for the year. Here are the key highlights.

What has AxioWorks been up to?

In our continuous effort to enhance our offerings, we are actively seeking new partnerships with companies that provide complementary products. If your company offers products that you believe would complement ours, we would love to hear from you.

Our recent partnership with Lightning Tools has kicked off on a high note, attracting interest in Lightning Forms, the advanced SharePoint Form customization tool, along with Data Viewer, the ultimate replacement for Business Connectivity Services (BCS). For more information, please visit our website.

We are excited to announce that the next update for SQList is just around the corner. This release is focused on enhancing performance under heavy data loads, ensuring optimal resource utilisation. Our commitment to building a product that operates seamlessly in the background, “so you can barely notice it’s there”, remains our priority. Stay tuned for more details on this release.

Security is a paramount concern for our clients, and we realised we had never highlighted just how secure a product SQList is. Following enquiries from potential customers, we have compiled a comprehensive document titled “Security Considerations for Installing SQList”.
This document is designed to address any security concerns and underline our commitment to providing a secure data integration solution. Read the full document here.

We are thrilled to confirm our attendance at the European Collaboration Summit, scheduled for 14-16 May 2024, in Wiesbaden, Germany.
The largest #Microsoft365 and #PowerPlatform business and technology event in Europe, this event is a fantastic opportunity for networking and learning. We are pleased to offer a special 20% discount voucher code: AxioWorks-9284, for those interested in attending. Secure your ticket now at www.collabsummit.eu and join us at this great event.

Stay connected with the latest from AxioWorks by following us on LinkedIn. We value your engagement with our online presence and look forward to sharing our updates and insights with you.

Focus blog entry: How AxioWorks SQList Aligns With the Priorities of Software Buying Decision Makers

As outlined in the “2024 Global Software Buying Trends” report by Gartner Digital Markets, the criteria that predominantly influence software purchasing decisions highlight a market driven by considerations of: Price, Security, Integration support. It’s within this framework that AxioWorks SQList distinctly positions itself as a solution adept at meeting these critical demands.

Read all the full article here.

M365 feature of the month: Creating Data-Driven Power Apps with Microsoft CoPilot

Welcome to our latest tutorial, where today we’re diving into the fascinating world of building a data-driven application with the help of Microsoft CoPilot.

Check our YouTube video here.

Featured content

Here is a small selection of interesting articles from the net.

Expanding Copilot for Microsoft 365 to businesses of all sizes

We are updating our Microsoft Copilot product line-up with a new Copilot Pro subscription for individuals; expanding Copilot for Microsoft 365 availability to small and medium-sized businesses; and announcing no seat minimum for commercial plans, making Copilot generally available to individuals, enterprises, and everyone in between.
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Dataverse create table from SharePoint list

In this Microsoft Dataverse tutorial, we will discuss how we can create a Dataverse table from a SharePoint List. Also, we will see how we can display the SharePoint Data Migrate table in Dataverse. Warning: it’s an interesting article but the ads are brutal, more readable with JavaScript disabled.
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“As DBAs, should we be worried about our jobs because of AI?” and other burning questions

In a recent livestream to launch the survey results, there were lots of questions from the live audience about what these changes might mean for data careers in 2024 and beyond. Below are answers from Redgate’s livestream speakers: Steve Jones and Ryan Booz (both Advocates) and Beca Parker (Software Engineer).
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That’s all folks, till next time.

How AxioWorks SQList Aligns With the Priorities of Software Buying Decision Makers

As outlined in the “2024 Global Software Buying Trends” report by Gartner Digital Markets, the criteria that predominantly influence software purchasing decisions highlight a market driven by considerations of:

  • Price
  • Security
  • Integration support.

It’s within this framework that AxioWorks SQList distinctly positions itself as a solution adept at meeting these critical demands.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital transformation, businesses across the globe are continually on the lookout for software solutions that not only enhance operational efficiency but also safeguard their digital assets.

Cost-effectiveness plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process for businesses seeking software solutions. With nearly half of the buyers prioritizing price (49%) as their top concern, it’s essential for software offerings to balance affordability with functionality. SQList emerges as a compelling option in this regard. The software’s licensing model is designed to be economically viable, offering a perpetual license at a fraction of the cost compared to the expenses involved in developing, deploying, and maintaining an analogous solution in-house. This cost advantage is further bolstered by the years of experience and refinement that have gone into making SQList a robust and reliable product.

Security, a concern just slightly less prioritized than price at 48%, stands as another critical benchmark for software selection. In today’s digital age, where data breaches and cybersecurity threats are rampant, the need for secure software solutions cannot be overstated. SQList is engineered with security at its core, designed to seamlessly integrate into an organization’s existing infrastructure. This design philosophy ensures that SQList not only minimizes risks to the client’s infrastructure but also empowers them with complete control over access to corporate assets. Such an approach to security guarantees that data is protected with the utmost integrity, offering peace of mind to businesses that are vigilant about safeguarding their digital ecosystem.

Integration support, considered a primary consideration by 44% of buyers, is yet another arena where SQList excels. SQList achieves this by synchronizing SharePoint data with Microsoft SQL Server, thereby providing unparalleled integration support. This synchronization ensures that virtually any software can connect natively to SQL Server, facilitating seamless data integration and accessibility. Such capability is indispensable for organizations looking to maintain a cohesive and interconnected software ecosystem, enabling them to leverage data across various platforms efficiently and effectively.

“When searching for software, the most important factors buyers care about are price (49%) and security (48%). Integration support (44%) is another primary consideration in the purchase decision.”

The essence of promoting SQList lies not just in its ability to meet these industry-standard requirements but in its potential to serve as a secure, reliable, and cost-effective solution that adheres to the highest standards of software development.

By addressing the primary concerns of price, security, and integration support head-on, SQList stands out as an exemplary model of what businesses should seek in a software solution. It embodies a perfect blend of affordability, security, and seamless integration, making it a prudent choice for organizations aiming to navigate the complexities of digital transformation successfully.

“In times of uncertainty, tighter budgets, and everevolving customer needs, it’s not easy for software providers to know where to focus to capture buyer demand and build lasting customer relationships.”

In a market that continues to demand more for less, SQList represents a forward-thinking solution designed to meet the evolving needs of businesses worldwide, reinforcing its position as a leader in the realm of software solutions.

Read the full Gartner report here:


#AxioWorks #SQList #SoftwareSecurity #DataIntegration #SoftwareTrends #CostEffectiveSolutions #Gartner #Digital #Markets

Maximising Power BI Reporting from SharePoint: The Strategic Advantage of AxioWorks SQList over Native Connectors

In today’s data-driven environment, making informed decisions rapidly can offer a significant competitive edge. This is where Power BI comes into play, offering robust visualisations and business intelligence capabilities. However, the efficiency of Power BI reports is heavily dependent on the underlying data source, and for SharePoint users, the choice between using Power BI’s native connector and AxioWorks SQList could be the difference between good and great reporting.

The Limitations of Power BI’s Native SharePoint Connector

The native SharePoint connector in Power BI is straightforward and might seem adequate for basic needs. It’s suitable for small datasets and simple queries. However, when dealing with extensive SharePoint lists—those with thousands of items—or when attempting to query across multiple large lists, the native connector falls short. There are significant limitations in the volume of data that can be queried and the time it takes to execute complex queries, which can be a bottleneck for organisations reliant on timely data analysis.

The Two Types of Connections in Power BI

When connecting Power BI to a data source like SharePoint lists, there are two main methods:

  1. Direct Query: This connection type allows Power BI to read data directly from the source each time a report is run. It ensures that reports are always current and offloads processing to the server. The downside is the dependency on the data source for every report execution, which can be hampered by slow network speeds—a minor issue in a corporate setting but still worth noting.
  2. Import: Power BI imports data into its database and then generates reports from this local copy. While this method avoids constant data source connection, it has several drawbacks. Large datasets take time to transfer, regular data refreshes are needed for up-to-date reports, and the processing load on the Power BI machine can be substantial, especially for complex reports. Additionally, there are data import limits (typically around 1GB) and restrictions on the frequency of automatic data refreshes.

Why AxioWorks SQList is a Superior Alternative

AxioWorks SQList transcends these issues by continuously exporting SharePoint lists and libraries to normalised SQL Server tables. This makes live SharePoint data available to various reporting tools, such as Power BI, without the drawbacks of the “Import” method.

The built-in SharePoint connection in Power BI restricts you to the “Import” method, but with SQList, you gain several key advantages:

  • SharePoint data is exported in a normalised form, which is ideal for executing flexible queries for complex reports.
  • SQList handles SharePoint data types that are difficult to manage with the native connector, like multi-value lookup columns and taxonomy metadata.
  • Having SharePoint data in SQL Server tables allows the use of SQL views to enhance access control and report performance.
  • Direct query connections are possible, and indeed recommended, with SQList. This means you get up-to-date reports quickly, with the intensive processing handled efficiently by SQList.
  • SQList is user-friendly, requiring minimal setup time, with no steep learning curve and no changes needed to your existing environment.
  • SQL Server tables can be accessed by nearly all reporting and BI tools, not just Power BI, extending these benefits to tools like SSRS, Crystal Reports, Cognos, Tableau, and more.

Balancing Power BI Features with SQL Server Capabilities

It’s true that some features in Power BI are available only with the “Import” method rather than “Direct query”. These features can be critical for some analytics scenarios. However, most of these can be effectively replaced or even enhanced by leveraging SQL Server’s capabilities.

For instance, calculated columns and measures in Power BI can be substituted with computed columns and functions in SQL Server. The performance benefits of pre-calculated aggregations in SQL can surpass what’s achievable in Power BI alone. Moreover, SQL Server offers advanced data security features, like row-level security, which can be integrated with Power BI to provide a secure and efficient reporting environment.

In conclusion, while Power BI’s native SharePoint connector might suffice for smaller tasks, organisations aiming for optimal performance and sophisticated data analysis will find AxioWorks SQList to be an indispensable tool. By bridging the gap between SharePoint and SQL Server, SQList not only expands the potential of Power BI reports but also ensures that businesses can fully harness their data, achieve higher productivity, and gain deeper insights—driving strategic decisions and maintaining a competitive edge in their respective industries.

AxioWorks Newsletter

AxioWorks Newsletter January 2024: A Promising Start to the New Year!

Hello Reader,

We hope this newsletter finds you well and thriving. At AxioWorks, we are embracing the new year with great enthusiasm and are committed to achieving ambitious goals that lie ahead.

What has AxioWorks been up to?

We are thrilled to announce a significant development that marks the beginning of a promising year. AxioWorks has formed a strategic partnership with Lightning Tools, a renowned provider of advanced SharePoint web parts. This collaboration is a giant stride towards expanding our product offerings.

We are excited to introduce two innovative products from Lightning Tools:

  • Lightning Forms: Transform your SharePoint List Forms into dynamic business tools with ease. Its user-friendly interface allows for seamless customisation, making complex form creation a breeze.
  • Data Viewer: This tool is a game-changer for displaying external data within SharePoint. It offers versatile options to present data as tables or engaging charts. It’s an excellent alternative to the soon-to-be-decommissioned Business Connectivity Services (BCS), ensuring you stay ahead in managing and presenting your data efficiently.

In our commitment to continuous improvement, the next update of SQList, our flagship SharePoint to SQL Server synchronisation tool, is underway. We are diligently incorporating new features based on valuable feedback from our users. Your insights are instrumental in our journey to enhance SQList, ensuring it remains a tool that truly resonates with your needs.

Finally, at AxioWorks, we’re deeply immersed in exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) for enhancing SharePoint. Our team is diligently working on developing an innovative tool that promises to revolutionise the way you interact with your SharePoint data. We’re excited about the journey ahead and look forward to sharing our progress with you.

As the year progresses, we hope it continues to be a prosperous and successful one for you. Your ongoing support and trust in AxioWorks are, as always, greatly appreciated.

Stay connected with the latest from AxioWorks by following us on LinkedIn. We value your engagement with our online presence and look forward to sharing our updates and insights with you.

Focus blog entry: Why Choose SQList for SharePoint Data Extraction Over DIY Solutions

In the ever-evolving world of technology and data management, the question often arises: “Why should I use a product like SQList when I can code my own solution or use a no-code alternative for extracting SharePoint data?” It’s a fair question, and in this article, we’ll explore the benefits of choosing SQList over the DIY route.

Read all the full article here.

M365 feature of the month: Create Child Flows in Power Automate Flow

In our latest video tutorial, we delve into the intricacies of designing and implementing Child flows within Microsoft Power Automate. This tutorial is specifically crafted to guide users through the process of creating these Child flows and seamlessly integrating them with a Parent flow. The concept of Child flows is a pivotal aspect of Power Automate, offering a robust solution for managing larger workflows.

Check our YouTube video here.

Featured content

Here is a small selection of interesting articles from the net.

Support update for Business Connectivity Services in Microsoft 365

SharePoint has a long history of helping users work with external data inside the SharePoint user experience, starting with the Business Data Catalog feature in SharePoint Server 2007. As SharePoint has evolved into a cloud-first service, so too have the options for customers that wish to integrate with external data sources. To simplify these options and provide the best experience for these scenarios going forward, Microsoft is announcing its plan to retire Business Connectivity Services (BCS) in Microsoft 365 and focus on Microsoft Power Apps as its replacement technology.
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5 SharePoint features you can use in your Windows Explorer

If you enjoy the power of SharePoint document management, with its wonderful set of SharePoint-only features, like versioning and external sharing, then you will love this article. Suppose you decide to synchronize the SharePoint document library to your Windows Explorer using the Sync button. In that case, you can also enjoy some of the SharePoint features right in your Windows Explorer! In case you are not aware of this, let me explain some of the SharePoint features you can use in your Windows Explorer immediately.
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SharePoint Sites naming convention best practices

Does it matter what you name your sites, and should the organization have a naming convention in the first place? So, what I thought I would do today is list the best practices I accumulated over the years relating to the SharePoint Sites naming convention. And then, I will advise you on the specific reasons why you would need to create a proper naming convention for your SharePoint sites in the first place.
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That’s all folks, till next time.

Exciting New Partnership and Innovative SharePoint Tools from AxioWorks and Lightning Tools

AxioWorks is excited to announce a strategic partnership with Lightning Tools, a leader in creating innovative SharePoint components. This collaboration is a pivotal moment in our dedication to enhance user experience with cutting-edge solutions.

The partnership introduces a suite of tools ingeniously crafted to complement SQList, our flagship product for SharePoint to SQL Server synchronisation. Currently, the focus is on two primary products, with more innovative solutions on the horizon:

Lightning Forms

Revolutionising SharePoint List Forms, Lightning Forms allows for easy customisation into advanced business tools. Users can seamlessly add layouts, logic, and style, transforming these forms into effective instruments for managing business data.

Replace out-of-the-box item editing with more intuitive and powerful layouts

Lightning Forms stands as an intuitive solution for SharePoint list form design, empowering you to enhance the logic, layout, and aesthetics of your contemporary, responsive SharePoint Forms.

With Lightning Forms, you gain access to an array of powerful features including cascading lookups, tailored buttons with actions, seamless integration of repeating lists, tab controls, comprehensive styling options, and conditional control formatting. Additionally, the tool provides straightforward calculations and expressions.

These capabilities collectively facilitate the effortless creation of business forms within SharePoint, providing an outstanding alternative to InfoPath Forms.

Learn more.

Data Viewer

Simplifying the display of external data in SharePoint, Data Viewer enables the presentation of outside data sources as tables or dynamic charts. It’s a powerful tool for building dashboards directly within a SharePoint Site or a Microsoft Teams Tab.

Efficient Data Integration and Visualisation with Data Viewer

Data Viewer is a powerful tool designed to enable business users, regardless of their expertise in data modelling or business intelligence, to effortlessly create clear and user-friendly reports and charts directly within their SharePoint pages or Microsoft Teams tabs. This tool simplifies the process of data visualisation: users can easily connect to a variety of data sources, such as SQL Server databases, Excel workbooks, SharePoint Lists, or external data sources.

Serves as an excellent alternative to Business Connectivity Services (BCS), which is slated for phasing out by the end of 2024.

Learn more.

A Remarkable Collection of Products to Leverage Your Existing Technologies

These tools are designed to significantly improve your ability to manage and present data in SharePoint, in line with our mission to provide solutions that are effective, intuitive, and user-friendly.

For further details on how these new tools can benefit your business, feel free to contact our Support Team at support@axioworks.com. We are committed to assisting you in maximising the potential of these exciting new offerings.

AxioWorks Newsletter

AxioWorks Newsletter November 2023: ESPC23, new partnership, and SQList update!

Hello Reader,

Welcome to this month’s edition of the AxioWorks newsletter! We’re thrilled to bring you updates on our recent participation at ESPC23, an exciting new partnership with Syskit, and the latest enhancements to our SQList product.

What has AxioWorks been up to?

This month has been exceptionally eventful and productive for us, and we’re eager to share the highlights with you, starting with ESPC23 in Amsterdam, where we had the opportunity to exhibit. The event was a resounding success, providing us with a platform to showcase SQList and engage in valuable discussions with numerous SharePoint users. These interactions were not only insightful but also instrumental in understanding the unique challenges faced in accessing SharePoint data. The feedback and ideas exchanged during these conversations are invaluable to us, and we are committed to incorporating them into our future developments.

In another exciting development, we are proud to announce our partnership with Syskit, experts in Microsoft 365 management and governance. This collaboration marks a significant milestone for us and brings with it a host of new opportunities slated for 2024. The expertise that Syskit brings to the table is bound to enhance our service offerings, and we are thrilled about the potential of this partnership. Moreover, we have more partnerships in the pipeline, each poised to bring additional value and innovation to our services and clients.

Lastly, we are pleased to inform you of the release of a new minor version of SQListversion In response to popular demand, we have reintroduced the option to keep deleted items. This update is a testament to our commitment to listening to our users and continuously improving our products to meet your needs and expectations.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement with AxioWorks. Your feedback and interactions are the driving force behind our continuous improvement and innovation. We look forward to bringing you more updates and advancements in the near future.

To stay abreast of all our latest news, announcements, and insights, we highly recommend following us on LinkedIn. Your engagement with our digital presence is valuable to us.

Focus blog entry: Why Support Legacy SharePoint Versions Like SharePoint 2010?

In the fast-paced world of technology, where new versions and updates are continuously rolled out, a recurring question often arises: “Why continue supporting legacy SharePoint versions like SharePoint 2010?” The answer, while seemingly straightforward, encapsulates a broader understanding of the technological landscape and the diverse needs of organisations.

Read all about it in this month’s article: Why Support Legacy SharePoint Versions Like SharePoint 2010?.

M365 feature of the month: Create and Run Power Automate Flow from Power Apps Canvas App

In our latest tutorial, we delve into the integration of Power Automate with Power Apps, specifically focusing on building and executing a Power Automate flow within a Power Apps Canvas App. This video serves as a comprehensive guide, demonstrating the process using a practical example: the creation of a Leave Request Application.

Check our YouTube video here: Create and Run Power Automate Flow from Power Apps Canvas App.

Featured content

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A 5-step journey to Microsoft governance rollout in 2023

In our day-to-day work with companies of various sizes and industries, business leaders and IT professionals are sharing with us that there’s a growing need for simplifying governance and improving their security posture.
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Source Control with GIT, Power BI and Microsoft Fabric

Source control is fundamental when dealing with projects and sharing code between multiple developers.
Power BI present some challenges related to source control. But it’s finally providing us with a solution to these challenges. Let’s analyse this piece-by-piece. According to your previous knowledge, you may would like to skip some section of this article.
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How to link Excel workbooks in SharePoint Online

Having consulted many organizations about SharePoint Online features for quite some time, I hear this question/request all the time, especially from finance folks. The question is whether or not you can link Excel documents in SharePoint Online and what happens to linked Excel documents after they are migrated from file shares to SharePoint Online.
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That’s all folks, till next time.