Professional Services (1 hour)
We offer bespoke consultancy by the hour for any requirements you may have. Consultancy is given via email or, more commonly, WebEx.
After a 30 mins initial consultation, we confirm whether we are able to take on the job and, if needed, schedule the next WebEx session. Consultancy is available 24/7 given proper notice and availability.
Note that, because of the very nature of this service, we provide an initial estimate of the total number of hours that we believe will be required, but apply a “pay as you go” billing. Hours are billed at the end of each day and they include time spent on initial consultation, emails, calls, analysis and research, and custom development.
Should you decide not to proceed after the initial consultation, you will not be charged for the time spent on it. You can stop the consultation at any time, in which case you will be billed for the time spent up to that point.