
Why Companies are choosing SQList over Power Automate

In the realm of synchronisation services, AxioWorks’ SQList and Microsoft’s Power Automate (earlier known as PowerApps) have emerged as significant players. Companies are always on the lookout for the most efficient tools, and this comparison elucidates why many are gravitating towards AxioWorks SQList over Power Automate.

Sync Features

  1. Automatic Creation & Mapping: AxioWorks SQList stands out by automatically creating and mapping SQL tables and fields, a feature absent in Microsoft Power Automate.
  2. Updates and Replications: With SQList, whenever SharePoint columns are added, modified, or removed from a list, updates occur automatically. Furthermore, it offers automatic replication of new lists within the same site collection. Unfortunately, Power Automate doesn’t provide these functionalities.
  3. No-code Sync: SQList provides a seamless, no-code sync for multi-lookup columns, ensuring a straightforward user experience.
  4. Logging and Error Handling: Built-in logging and error handling are integral to SQList’s robustness, ensuring that issues are quickly identified and resolved.
  5. Consistent Real-time Updates: With a remarkable consistency of near-real-time updates within approximately 5 seconds, SQList ensures that data is always current.
  6. Automatic Retry: In case of failures, SQList’s automatic retry mechanism is invaluable, enhancing its reliability.
  7. Handling SharePoint Thresholds: SQList adeptly manages SharePoint thresholds, catering to both item limits and lookup-column limits, a feature that Power Automate lacks.

Technical Skills and Set-up Time

SQList’s design focuses on efficiency and user-friendliness. Setting it up for first-time users takes mere minutes, as does adding an additional site collection. On the other hand, Power Automate requires days for initial setup and hours for adding a new site collection.

Commercial Aspects

In the commercial domain, SQList offers a one-time fixed fee, presenting clarity in costing. Microsoft Power Automate adopts a subscription-based model, specifically a premium connector. When synchronising more than just a handful of small lists, the extensive setup and maintenance demands of Power Automate can swiftly escalate costs well over the one-time expenditure of a SQList licence.

Host Environment

While AxioWorks SQList offers flexibility by being compatible with on-premises, sandbox, and cloud VM environments, Microsoft Power Automate is predominantly cloud-centric.


Companies are prioritising rapid implementation, low skill requirements, and minimal maintenance. AxioWorks SQList, with its comprehensive suite of features, ensures that businesses can efficiently manage their SharePoint Online and SharePoint On-prem syncing to Azure SQL and/or SQL Server. This comparison elucidates why, for a vast majority of companies, SQList is emerging as the preferred choice.

Why Choose SQList for SharePoint Data Extraction Over DIY Solutions

In the ever-evolving world of technology and data management, the question often arises: “Why should I use a product like #SQList when I can code my own solution or use a no-code alternative for extracting #SharePoint data?” It’s a fair question, and in this article, we’ll explore the benefits of choosing #SQList over the DIY route.

At @AxioWorks, we appreciate the spirit of DIY solutions. After all, there’s something empowering about crafting your own tools and solutions. However, there comes a point where the practicality of building and maintaining your own system begins to outweigh its initial allure, especially as your SharePoint data extraction needs grow in complexity.

The DIY Dilemma

Certainly, you could embark on the journey of building your own in-house #SharePoint data extraction system. Many organisations have taken this route initially, driven by the desire for customisation and control and the impression of cost saving. However, let us warn you, this path can soon turn against you.

1. Development Costs

Building a custom solution, whether through coding or using a no-code platform, requires a significant investment of time and resources. Skilled developers don’t come cheap, and their work hours can quickly add up as they design, implement, and troubleshoot your extraction system.

2. Configuration Complexity

#SharePoint is a versatile (and, under the bonnet, also a bit messy) platform, and extracting data from it can be a complex task, especially as your data structures become more intricate. Configuring your custom solution to handle these complexities can be a daunting and time-consuming task.

3. Maintenance Burden

Once your in-house system is up and running, the work is far from over. Regular maintenance, updates, and bug fixes are essential to ensure that your extraction process remains reliable and secure. This ongoing effort requires a dedicated team and a continuous investment of time and resources.

The #SQList Advantage

At @AxioWorks, we understand that what we offer may seem simple at first glance. We’re not claiming to perform rocket science, and we acknowledge that any skilled developer could technically build a #SharePoint data extraction system. However, the real difference lies in our experience and the value we bring to the table.

1. Years of Expertise

We’ve been in the game longer than most. Our team has honed their skills and refined their approach to #SharePoint data extraction over the years. When you choose #SQList, you’re not just getting a product; you’re investing in the accumulated knowledge and expertise that are baked into the price.

2. Streamlined Solutions

Our product is the result of years of fine-tuning and optimisation. We’ve taken the complexities of #SharePoint data extraction and distilled them into a user-friendly, efficient, and reliable tool. With #SQList, you get a solution that just works, saving you time and headaches.

3. Cost-Effective

While it might seem like a DIY solution is cost-effective upfront, the hidden expenses can quickly add up. With #SQList, you have a clear pricing structure, and you won’t be hit with surprise costs down the road. Plus, the time and resources saved by using our product can often outweigh the initial investment.

Making the Smart Choice

So, the next time you find yourself at the crossroads of deciding between a DIY #SharePoint data extraction solution and opting for #SQList, remember that sometimes the smart choice is also the most convenient one. While we understand the initial appeal of crafting your own solution, we urge you to consider the long-term implications, both in terms of time and resources.

We get it; you might be thinking, “This sounds like a sales pitch.” However, we encourage you to experience the difference for yourself. Take a moment to explore what #SQList has to offer and see how it can simplify your #SharePoint data extraction process.

You be the judge

We’ve prepared a video tutorial that uses #PowerPlatform to extract #SharePoint data to #Dataverse. Watch “Replicate and Synchronise SharePoint List to Dataverse (Part 1)” to see what a possible DIY route may looks like:

And here you have a free 30-day free trial of #SQList:

We’re confident that once you experience the convenience and efficiency it brings to your SharePoint data extraction needs, you’ll understand why #SQList is a better choice.

In conclusion, when it comes to extracting #SharePoint data, the DIY route is an option, but it’s essential to weigh the costs, complexities, and long-term maintenance against the convenience, expertise, and efficiency that a specialised third-party product like #SQList can provide. Make an informed choice that not only meets your immediate needs but also sets you up for success in the long run.

We welcome your comments!

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Microsoft Power Platform

MS List Templates bundled with Power Automate Flow

by Danish Ali Detho | O365 & Power Platform Solution Architect///

Microsoft Lists previously known as SharePoint Lists is the go-to option for maintaining and storing data in the world of O365 and its usage has grown even more ever since it has been integrated into MS Teams. MS Lists has become extremely easy to set up thanks to the introduction of features like import from CSV which lets you create a list from a CSV file and Built-in/custom List templates which lets you create a list using a predefined template. Microsoft has made MS Lists even more powerful by adding built-in power automate flows to some of the List Templates covering some of the most common scenarios associated with the out-of-the-box scenario-driven templates. In this blog, we will take a look at the List templates which come bundled with Flows and how to find them in Power Automate Portal.

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