
Maximising Power BI Reporting from SharePoint: The Strategic Advantage of AxioWorks SQList over Native Connectors

In today’s data-driven environment, making informed decisions rapidly can offer a significant competitive edge. This is where Power BI comes into play, offering robust visualisations and business intelligence capabilities. However, the efficiency of Power BI reports is heavily dependent on the underlying data source, and for SharePoint users, the choice between using Power BI’s native connector and AxioWorks SQList could be the difference between good and great reporting.

The Limitations of Power BI’s Native SharePoint Connector

The native SharePoint connector in Power BI is straightforward and might seem adequate for basic needs. It’s suitable for small datasets and simple queries. However, when dealing with extensive SharePoint lists—those with thousands of items—or when attempting to query across multiple large lists, the native connector falls short. There are significant limitations in the volume of data that can be queried and the time it takes to execute complex queries, which can be a bottleneck for organisations reliant on timely data analysis.

The Two Types of Connections in Power BI

When connecting Power BI to a data source like SharePoint lists, there are two main methods:

  1. Direct Query: This connection type allows Power BI to read data directly from the source each time a report is run. It ensures that reports are always current and offloads processing to the server. The downside is the dependency on the data source for every report execution, which can be hampered by slow network speeds—a minor issue in a corporate setting but still worth noting.
  2. Import: Power BI imports data into its database and then generates reports from this local copy. While this method avoids constant data source connection, it has several drawbacks. Large datasets take time to transfer, regular data refreshes are needed for up-to-date reports, and the processing load on the Power BI machine can be substantial, especially for complex reports. Additionally, there are data import limits (typically around 1GB) and restrictions on the frequency of automatic data refreshes.

Why AxioWorks SQList is a Superior Alternative

AxioWorks SQList transcends these issues by continuously exporting SharePoint lists and libraries to normalised SQL Server tables. This makes live SharePoint data available to various reporting tools, such as Power BI, without the drawbacks of the “Import” method.

The built-in SharePoint connection in Power BI restricts you to the “Import” method, but with SQList, you gain several key advantages:

  • SharePoint data is exported in a normalised form, which is ideal for executing flexible queries for complex reports.
  • SQList handles SharePoint data types that are difficult to manage with the native connector, like multi-value lookup columns and taxonomy metadata.
  • Having SharePoint data in SQL Server tables allows the use of SQL views to enhance access control and report performance.
  • Direct query connections are possible, and indeed recommended, with SQList. This means you get up-to-date reports quickly, with the intensive processing handled efficiently by SQList.
  • SQList is user-friendly, requiring minimal setup time, with no steep learning curve and no changes needed to your existing environment.
  • SQL Server tables can be accessed by nearly all reporting and BI tools, not just Power BI, extending these benefits to tools like SSRS, Crystal Reports, Cognos, Tableau, and more.

Balancing Power BI Features with SQL Server Capabilities

It’s true that some features in Power BI are available only with the “Import” method rather than “Direct query”. These features can be critical for some analytics scenarios. However, most of these can be effectively replaced or even enhanced by leveraging SQL Server’s capabilities.

For instance, calculated columns and measures in Power BI can be substituted with computed columns and functions in SQL Server. The performance benefits of pre-calculated aggregations in SQL can surpass what’s achievable in Power BI alone. Moreover, SQL Server offers advanced data security features, like row-level security, which can be integrated with Power BI to provide a secure and efficient reporting environment.

In conclusion, while Power BI’s native SharePoint connector might suffice for smaller tasks, organisations aiming for optimal performance and sophisticated data analysis will find AxioWorks SQList to be an indispensable tool. By bridging the gap between SharePoint and SQL Server, SQList not only expands the potential of Power BI reports but also ensures that businesses can fully harness their data, achieve higher productivity, and gain deeper insights—driving strategic decisions and maintaining a competitive edge in their respective industries.

Why Choose SQList for SharePoint Data Extraction Over DIY Solutions

In the ever-evolving world of technology and data management, the question often arises: “Why should I use a product like #SQList when I can code my own solution or use a no-code alternative for extracting #SharePoint data?” It’s a fair question, and in this article, we’ll explore the benefits of choosing #SQList over the DIY route.

At @AxioWorks, we appreciate the spirit of DIY solutions. After all, there’s something empowering about crafting your own tools and solutions. However, there comes a point where the practicality of building and maintaining your own system begins to outweigh its initial allure, especially as your SharePoint data extraction needs grow in complexity.

The DIY Dilemma

Certainly, you could embark on the journey of building your own in-house #SharePoint data extraction system. Many organisations have taken this route initially, driven by the desire for customisation and control and the impression of cost saving. However, let us warn you, this path can soon turn against you.

1. Development Costs

Building a custom solution, whether through coding or using a no-code platform, requires a significant investment of time and resources. Skilled developers don’t come cheap, and their work hours can quickly add up as they design, implement, and troubleshoot your extraction system.

2. Configuration Complexity

#SharePoint is a versatile (and, under the bonnet, also a bit messy) platform, and extracting data from it can be a complex task, especially as your data structures become more intricate. Configuring your custom solution to handle these complexities can be a daunting and time-consuming task.

3. Maintenance Burden

Once your in-house system is up and running, the work is far from over. Regular maintenance, updates, and bug fixes are essential to ensure that your extraction process remains reliable and secure. This ongoing effort requires a dedicated team and a continuous investment of time and resources.

The #SQList Advantage

At @AxioWorks, we understand that what we offer may seem simple at first glance. We’re not claiming to perform rocket science, and we acknowledge that any skilled developer could technically build a #SharePoint data extraction system. However, the real difference lies in our experience and the value we bring to the table.

1. Years of Expertise

We’ve been in the game longer than most. Our team has honed their skills and refined their approach to #SharePoint data extraction over the years. When you choose #SQList, you’re not just getting a product; you’re investing in the accumulated knowledge and expertise that are baked into the price.

2. Streamlined Solutions

Our product is the result of years of fine-tuning and optimisation. We’ve taken the complexities of #SharePoint data extraction and distilled them into a user-friendly, efficient, and reliable tool. With #SQList, you get a solution that just works, saving you time and headaches.

3. Cost-Effective

While it might seem like a DIY solution is cost-effective upfront, the hidden expenses can quickly add up. With #SQList, you have a clear pricing structure, and you won’t be hit with surprise costs down the road. Plus, the time and resources saved by using our product can often outweigh the initial investment.

Making the Smart Choice

So, the next time you find yourself at the crossroads of deciding between a DIY #SharePoint data extraction solution and opting for #SQList, remember that sometimes the smart choice is also the most convenient one. While we understand the initial appeal of crafting your own solution, we urge you to consider the long-term implications, both in terms of time and resources.

We get it; you might be thinking, “This sounds like a sales pitch.” However, we encourage you to experience the difference for yourself. Take a moment to explore what #SQList has to offer and see how it can simplify your #SharePoint data extraction process.

You be the judge

We’ve prepared a video tutorial that uses #PowerPlatform to extract #SharePoint data to #Dataverse. Watch “Replicate and Synchronise SharePoint List to Dataverse (Part 1)” to see what a possible DIY route may looks like:

And here you have a free 30-day free trial of #SQList:

We’re confident that once you experience the convenience and efficiency it brings to your SharePoint data extraction needs, you’ll understand why #SQList is a better choice.

In conclusion, when it comes to extracting #SharePoint data, the DIY route is an option, but it’s essential to weigh the costs, complexities, and long-term maintenance against the convenience, expertise, and efficiency that a specialised third-party product like #SQList can provide. Make an informed choice that not only meets your immediate needs but also sets you up for success in the long run.

We welcome your comments!

#SharePoint #SQLServer #PowerBI #LOBIntegration #AI

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Why AxioWorks SQList? Here are 7 reasons.

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AxioWorks SQList is now available online

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7 Reasons why SQL Server tables are a better option for reporting then SharePoint Lists

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Blog: Generate SSRS chart from SharePoint lists

Generate SSRS Charts and Reports from live SharePoint list data

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