AxioWorks Newsletter May 2021: April flew by faster than SpaceX

AxioWorks Newsletter

Hello Reader,

Welcome to another issue of our monthly Newsletter!

Thank you for the great feedback on the past newsletters, our team has been working hard to incorporate it and add more value for you, our readers. Please keep ’em coming and we hope you enjoy this month’s edition.

What has AxioWorks been up to?

April was another super busy month for the AxioWorks team as we continue to build the latest release of SQList, version 7.0, which will include some really cool new features.

The initial plan was to release SQList 7.0 on 1st May however the engineering efforts to build some features is taking longer than we anticipated and therefore we decided to reschedule it to next month in order to make sure we cover all the test cases and do full regression testing to ensure the quality of the product.

We are also giving our website a complete makeover both in terms of design and content. The new website will be easy to navigate and SEO optimized as well. Our focus is to bring more clarity to our content and make sure our website users can easily find what they are looking for.

Focus blog entry: Bring Clarity to your SharePoint with MS Clarity

Want to bring some clarity to your SharePoint sites? Then you definitely wanna look at MS Clarity and how to integrate it with SharePoint. It comes with some innovative user analytics features to understand how site users are using the sites in real-time in order to help site managers improve their SharePoint experiences by better understanding visitor behavior. In this month’s article, we will take an in-depth look at Microsoft Clarity, what it brings to the site and user analytics table and how it can be integrated into the SharePoint site.

Read all about it in this month’s article: Bring Clarity to your SharePoint with MS Clarity

SQList feature of the month: Run SQList from command line

In certain use cases, you may want to run SQList data synchronization on-demand instead of as a continuous replication service. This can be done by running SQList from a command prompt or as a console application. SQList can be executed in a command prompt window, a batch file, or as a scheduled job. This feature will come in handy in a scenario where customers don’t want changes in SharePoint data to be immediately replicated to the SQL Server but run on-demand or on a scheduled interval like, for example, once a day or and the end of each month.

If you want to know more details about this, check out our support article: How to run SQList from command line?

Featured articles

Here is a small selection of interesting articles from the net.

Generate Power BI report from a spreadsheet in SharePoint

In this tutorial, you will find out how to connect a specific file eg. an Excel spreadsheet stored in SharePoint to be used as a Power BI data source in order to generate some awesome reports.
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5 things every Site Owner must configure on their SharePoint sites

In this article, the author points out the top 5 settings that every Site Owner must configure on their SharePoint sites. Things that are important from a security standpoint as well as site’s usability.
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5 cool features of MS Forms

Microsoft Forms proved to be a great lightweight alternative to other available advanced tools in terms of data collection and surveys. In this article, the author highlights the 5 cool features of MS Forms that make it a great data collection tool.
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That’s all folks, till next time.