We are launching the AxioWorks Newsletter! (and giving out a prize)

We are launching the AxioWorks Newsletter!

(and giving out a prize to one lucky subscriber)

We are happy to announce that we are launching the AxioWorks Monthly Newsletter and are giving you the chance to win an amazing Logitech C930-E Business Webcam!

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Power BI Reports from Microsoft Lists

Generate Power BI Charts from live MS Lists data

In our previous article on MS Lists, we did a detailed introduction including some of the great features which can help any business in implementing use cases like issue tracking and inventory management.

In this blog, we will use MS Lists to create an issue tracking solution using an out of the box template and then we will use SQList to synchronize data between MS Lists and SQL Server database. Finally, we will use Power BI to generate charts.

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AxioWorks SQList New Version

New version of SQList released (

A new version of SQList: version is out today!

We haven’t blogged about new releases for years, why we don’t know. We’ve been notifying all our users of SQList, been publishing support articles, but not a mention on our website. Silly strategy you may think…and so do we! But it has not been a strategy as much as a negligence on our part, and today we’re putting an end to it!

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Google Data Studio with SharePoint Data

Use Google Data Studio with SharePoint data

In this blog, we will go through essential steps on how to generate a report and chart in Google Data Studio using data coming from SharePoint lists. We will start off by looking at the lists which we are going to use for this demo and followed by how we can use SQList to replicate data from SharePoint Lists to SQL Server database which will later be used in Google Data Studio to generate a chart and to finish things off, we will look at how to display the report in SharePoint.

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AxioWorks SQList: Export SharePoint Lists to SQL Server

Access live SharePoint data from SQL Server

In this blog, We will take an in-depth look into how SQList transforms SharePoint lists into SQL tables and how it stores data into each column. We will also look at how all changes made in SharePoint are continuously synchronized into their corresponding SQL Server tables.

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Generate Excel Charts and Reports from live SharePoint list data

In this blog, I will show you the best way of creating a chart in Ms Excel on live data coming from SharePoint lists. We will start off by looking at the lists which we are going to use for this demo and followed by how we can use SQList to synchronize data between SharePoint Lists and SQL Server database and to finish things off, we will look at how to generate our reports and charts much faster.

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Blog: Generate SSRS chart from SharePoint lists

Generate SSRS Charts and Reports from live SharePoint list data

In this blog, I will show you the best way of creating a chart in SSRS Report Builder on live data coming from SharePoint lists. We will start off by looking at the lists which we are going to use for this demo and followed by how we can use SQList to synchronize data between SharePoint Lists and SQL Server database and to finish things off, we will look at how to generate our reports and charts much faster.

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Blog: Generate Power BI chart from SharePoint lists

Generate Power BI Charts and Reports from live SharePoint list data

In this blog, I will show you the best way of creating a Power BI chart on live data coming from SharePoint lists. We will start off by looking at the lists which we are going to use for this demo and followed by how we can use SQList to synchronize data between SharePoint Lists and SQL Server database and to finish things off, we will look at how to generate our reports and charts much faster.

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Power BI using SharePoint List VS SQL Tables

Power BI is a no code analytics and reporting tool from Microsoft which allows business users to generate sleek and customizable reports and interact quickly and easily with their data using simple drag-and-drop features. It is an extremely feature rich yet user-friendly reporting tool which can also be used for creating live dashboards and then sharing them with your colleagues or embed them in your app, website, or SharePoint portal. It is compatible with over 65 different data sources out of the box including both on-premises and cloud products.

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How secure is your data in SharePoint On-Premise vs Online?

Over the past two decades, Microsoft has made SharePoint one of the most powerful enterprise content management and team collaboration platform available in the market loaded with massive functionality and state of the art security. Data protection and security plays a key role in deciding which variant of SharePoint to go with especially for organizations with critical compliance and governance regulations.

This brings up the question, how secure is your data in SharePoint On-Premises and Online? This article will help you in analyzing the security and data protection features available in SharePoint On-Premise and Online in terms of authentication types, disaster recovery etc.

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